Week 5: Zine Follow-up
This post is a follow-up on my creation of a zine. I named it ‚Starving Artist‘ because I’ve been called like that several times by my...
Week 5: Zine Follow-up
Week 4: Free from the Apparatus?
Week 3: Collaboration & Working Independently in my Practice
Week 2: Appropriation, Remixing & Mediation
Week 1: 11 Days Through My Window
Week 12: Module Reflection
Week 10-11: Criticality
Week 10-11: Work in Progress Portfolio
Week 9: Work in Progress
Week 8: Critical Research: Nudity and Sexuality
Week 8: Presentation
Week 7: Methods and Strategies
Week 6: Work in Progress
Week 5: Power and Responsibilities
Week 4: Collaboration
Week 3: Rethinking Photographers
Week 2: Interdisciplinary Practices
Week 1: The Global Image
About CRJ